Hi, welcome to my Portfolio!

I am Jana Zajdenova

a UI/UX designer with a background in international marketing and a passion for storytelling. I enjoy finding creative solutions and transforming them into efficient, human-focused experiences. Skilled at user research, designing functional and aesthetic content, as well as working among diverse international teams.

About me

As a young student that was led by her curiosity, I was always seeking interesting real-life applications to accompany what I learned in theory. Thus, my collected experiences vary in the field, as well as in the type and size of the organisation. I got the chance to organise events with up to 200 participants, cooperate with interdisciplinary and international teams on automatisation process, but also to assist distressed and confused customers in the late-evening hours.

But the two main base points were always present:

  • Listening to and understanding the customers’ needs.

  • Developing working solutions. Especially in my volunteering experience, this was often under tight time and financial constraints.

In everything I did, I found joy in the visual tasks - transforming ideas into delightful experiences or products. That’s why I decided to level up my creative skills and to became a UI/UX Designer.

My current objective is to continue to deepen my design skills further, especially in animation.

Are you looking for a Designer that brings an artistic mindset, analytical capabilities, energy, and optimism to your team? - I am open to new projects, feel free to contact me!

UX and UI Skills

User Research
User Flows
Wireframing & Prototyping
Design Guidelines
Accessible Design
Design Thinking
Solution Development

Digital Tools

Adobe Illustrator
Micosoft Office


People - I could be reading about an affluential person’s path or just talking to a stranger, listening to diverse life stories challenges my perspectives

Moments - when I don’t just enjoy the moment for myself I like to take a photo, I share some of my favourites here

Get in touch:

Germany: +49 176 29868 199
Slovakia: +421 944 180 769